Come the holiday season, tables across Italy showcase the country’s most famous dessert: panettone. This sweet, yeasty bread holds raisins and citrus peel between its distinctive high dome and soft crumb. Bakers create intricate designs on the crust, making it as beautiful to behold as it is delightful to eat. Centuries after its inception, panettone remains an Italian Christmas tradition and a global favorite.
Origins in 15th Century Milan
The origins of panettone date to 15th century Milan. As nobles enjoyed expensive cakes full of dried fruit, sugar and butter, a creative baker crafted a special sweet holiday bread studded with raisins and citrus that anyone could enjoy, coining the “panettone” name after the word “panetto,” meaning small loaf cake.
Artisanal Production Over the Centuries
As panettone’s popularity grew across Italy, professional bakers formed special guilds, guarding their artisanal recipes closely. Over centuries of reinvention, creative touches were added like limoncello swirls while forms shrunk to miniature pans and cupcake-sized panettoncini, now signatures across regions.
Complex Modern Creation Process
Creating the light, airy texture with high dome takes patience. After an intricate starter dough with butter and egg yolks rests and proofs, bakers knead in fruit then proof again before a hot water bath sets the signature shape. Slow cooling maintains moisture.
Today panettone remains a favorite Italian Christmas tradition, gifting gorgeous loaves across communities. Its appeal stretches around the world as a beloved sweet bread perfect for holiday breakfasts and sharing.
Cucina Mercato’s Artisanal Panettone Collection
Explore our collection of specialty panettones from regional Italian bakeries this holiday season! Discover what quality ingredients and generations of cherished craft bring to this ancient bread no one can resist. Shop panettone now – we ship nationwide!